School Residencies

World Dances for Children

Over the years, Andy has taught school residencies through music, art, and physical education departments. Each school residency can be geared towards any grade or curriculum. Focusing on a single country or multiple countries, we explore their music and dance.

In these times of Covid, residancies are on-line. I teach geography along with dances from all over the world. Children hear music, learn geography and dance techniques. As the spring comes in, outdoor residancies are possible without contact.

Through dance, children learn teamwork, motor and locomotive skills, spatial relationship, and geographic awareness. Musically, they have the chance to play with different time signatures as well as varied musical sounds and traditions. They also learn key social skills including their relationship to others, their responsiblity for their own actions, and how they affect the entire group.

Past Residencies

Fiske Elementary: South American Cultural Residency (Lexington, MA - 2016)

"I had a wonderful time at the Fiske School, where I taught all of the children in all six grades, from kindergarten through fifth. The request was for each of the grades to have their own dance, and I worked with each class for four 30-minute classes over a two week period. In the culminating event, we had all of the children in the Gymnasium together for the sharing of what they had learned. The children worked hard and had a great time. "

Other current and past residencies include:

  • Gardner Pilot Academy, Boston MA (year-round, annually)

  • Tobin School, Cambridge MA (through Dancing in the Schools)

  • Haggerty School, Cambridge MA

  • Graham & Parks School, Cambridge MA (single event)